Fequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


How do you pronounce CollexArt?

You might be surprised, but we get this question with some frequency. CollexArt is pronounced "Collects Art."

How can I contact CollexArt?

The best way to reach us is through our Contact Form. You can also reach us via email at info "at" collexart.com or by phone at 703-506-0878 (option 3).

Do you support international artists?

Yes, international artists can become featured artists with their own profile pages and artwork in the exhibit area.

How do I get my work exhibited in CollexArt?

Please submit your work to one of our themed Art Calls to be considered for a CollexArt Online Exhibit, qualify for a Purchase Award, and more.

Who judges my work?

Submitted artwork is typically reviewed by the CollexArt curatorial team or our guest jurors.

What are CollexArt Terms and Conditions?

Please view are Terms of Service found HERE.

CollexArt is managed by Kodexio?

Yes. Kodexio builds software tools to showcase, promote, inspire, and help artists sell their work. Kodexio manages the following sites and services: FolioLink.com, CallForEntries.com, SubmitArts.com, and CollexArt.com.